Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring is here yay!

Spring weather makes me happy. I love sun and being able to walk the dog without freezing. It's nice I feel better this trimester also. So things are going good. 

I got to finish up a couple of pieces and send them out. Only a few things left to do now. 

My most exciting news is that my horse Angel is being leased by a great gal who loves to send me updates and pictures. Plus she is only 40 minutes from my house so I can drop in whenever I like. 

I took that one. My son loves riding on her now. This was just a quick sit. 
Angel and her new friend. She gets lots and lots of daily attention and rides. I am so happy she ran across Angels ad online. I have met so many nice people offline. Including my husband. 

Most recent piece from the studio up for offers currently...

I sent it off to a friend to get good pictures on her stable horses. My stable numbers are so small right now. Plus she is a photographer. :). It is on MH$P and I'll update the pictures when she's done. 

My stable is small because I have expensive tastes. Resin and custom paint jobs. My most recent Beauty arrived though. A cm roxy by Mindy Berg. I loooooooooovvve this horse. Now to think up performance ideas.  
I hope to invest in a nice curio at some point. 

Other than all this excitement my belly is growing and I'm spring cleaning due to slight flood in the house. Not too bad, but it has allowed me to throw bunches of stuff out. I look forward to getting back to my orders. 

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